Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Snowy Evening

Today there was finally snow fall that stayed on the ground. I was so excited! I am so excited! I went out with Lauren and I couldn't stop running around in it and she just looked at me like I was crazy. But to my surprise, there was a flood of people that ran out to join me! Snowballs were flying, people were running and sliding in the snow, and "cats" and "meow" were written in the snow. Despite getting totally soaked and having tingly fingers and toes, I really enjoyed being out there with friends having a blast. I sure do love Detroit. It bums me out though when people are so negative about the snow and don't stop complaining about it. If you really don't like it, find a way to avoid it and deal with it. Don't be such a Debbie Downer, seriously. It really dampens my spirit. I kinda makes me feel like I should be ashamed of the joy I feel when I look out the window to see gusts of snow falling past my window, and the cold air blowing my hair while placing little snow flakes all over my body. I just love it.

The hussel and bussel of ending the semester is slowly coming to an end. All nighters have become a regular deal. Even though I have had an impossible amount of homework these past two weeks and a stress level that is through the roof, I am have been enjoying myself and loving the work that I am doing. Drawing self portraits and models, creating abstract paintings on the computer, hammering out a turtle in metal shop, and creating a piece in woodshop have really been so inspiring and satisfying.
I am so excited to be able to relax in a week, but at the same time I am going to miss my classes with awesome people that I have got to know over the months. And as much as I would like to see them everyday next semester, I know I won't due to conflicting schedules.
My teachers have been so motivating and inspiring. I really love taking their classes. If only I could move on with all of them next semester. But it is kind of exciting to be able to start a new slate. Meet new people, or get to know familiar faces, and have new inspiring artists teach my classes. Words cannot describe this feeling I feel right now; excitement, inspiration, creativity, happiness, a bit of sadness, its just one big bundle of feelings!

I am also loving this little family of friends that I have created. We drew names today for secret santa. So exciting!! =] I know exactly what I am getting for my special friend. Hehe. Oh gosh, how I love Christmas. I can't wait for more snow to fall.